Welcome to Jbeon Comics, the independent Comic Book Universe from Writer/Director Jason Barrett. Grab all copies of the 5 part HERU comic book series everyone's talking about. A fantastic origin story for all ages and a brilliant message for the culture.
HERU, "The First Hero", Jbeon comics' debut comic book which tells the story of a former slave who receives Cosmic powers & sets about to liberate his people and change the world. Not realising that the very asteroid that gave him his God-like powers was also carrying a dark secret that could destroy the entire planet!
JBEON Universe update:
2020 is going to be an exciting year for the JBEON Comics Universe, we are proud to announce the release of HERU BOOK ONE: Audio Book! Heru Book 2: Plantation Wars in perfect paperback and digital download and later this year Heru Book 3: Fallen Empire.
We are also excited about “The Evangelist” book one being launched later on in the year. The Evangelist is the first from “The Age Of Heroes and Villains” saga. We will also be releasing Plantation Wars audio book this summer, so lots to look forward to from the JBEON comics universe in 2020! Stay locked in to www.herucomics.com or www.jbeoncomics.com and don’t forget to add us on instagram @jbeon_comics and facebook @jbeoncomics